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Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu

niuernikkut suleqatififfiat

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík



Managing director:

Stella Stefánsdóttir

+354 510 7100

Greenlandic-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce – Application
Why become a member of the Greenlandic-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce?

To secure and strengthen relationships with those who do business between Greenland and Iceland or are interested in doing so. The Chamber’s goal is to improve and maintain trade relations between Greenland and Iceland, as well as to strengthen relations in the fields of education, culture and politics.

Companies, individuals and organizations, small or large, can become members of the chamber. The council is a forum that can be used to work towards any kind of progress; improved working environments and further relations. A strong group of members strengthens the council’s advocacy with governments and institutions, to the benefit of your company. With membership, you can influence the tasks and activities of the council.

Individuals:    800 DKK
Companies (fewer than 50 employees):    2.500 DKK
Companies (More than 50 employees):    3.500 DKK

Become a member

Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu

niuernikkut suleqatififfiat

Hús atvinnulífsins

Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð

105 Reykjavík



Managing director:

Stella Stefánsdóttir

+354 510 7100