Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu
niuernikkut suleqatififfiat
Hús atvinnulífsins
Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð
105 Reykjavík
Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu niuernikkut suleqatififfiat
Greenlandic-Icelandic Chamber of Commerce.
Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu niuernikkut suleqatififfiat
Peqartigiiffiup siunertaraa nunat taakku marluk akornanni niueqatigiinnerup aningaasatigullu suleqatigiinnerup nukittorsarnissaa. Peqatigiiffiup Islandimi Kalaallillu Nunaanni peqatigiiffiit allat suliassamut assingusunik suliallit suleqatiginiassavai. Siunertaq tamanna naammassiniarlugu peqatigiiffik piginnaanini pissutsillu atuuttut apeqqutaatillugit Kalaallit Nunaanni Islandimilu inuussutissarsiorneq, aningaasaliinissamut niuernissamullu periarfissat pillugit ataatsimiittassaaq ataatsimiititsisassallunilu.
The main aim of the chamber is to strengthen the trade and economic cooperations between Iceland and Greenland. The association works together with several unions in Iceland and Greenland, which have similar tasks. To promote this goal, the association is holding informational meetings, conferences, and disseminate information on business, investment and trade opportunities in both countries.
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Islandip kalaallit nunaatalu
niuernikkut suleqatififfiat
Hús atvinnulífsins
Borgartúni 35, 5. hæð
105 Reykjavík